AfterEllen review of ‘Trigger Warning’

AfterEllen review of ‘Trigger Warning’

‘Few women have influenced lesbian politics or feminist thought as much as Sheila Jeffreys. A pioneer the women’s liberation movement in the ‘70s and ‘80s, she’s a co-founder of Britain’s revolutionary feminist movement. By continuing to advocate radical feminist politics when they fell out of fashion in the ‘90s, Jeffreys helped pave the way for […]

Thinking Outside the Gender Box – June 2014

Thinking Outside the Gender Box – June 2014

Gender Hurts book review by Christine Benvenuto – read full review here. “Sheila Jeffreys, a professor of feminist politics at the University of Melbourne, offers an interesting and thought-provoking analysis of transgender issues in a new book, Gender Hurts (Routledge, 2014). Depending upon your point of view, her ideas may offend or may enter the […]

Gender Hurts Book Review and a Call to Action – June 2014

Gender Hurts Book Review and a Call to Action – June 2014

Guest blog post by Genderheretic on Gender Identity Watch. Read full blog here. “Like many radicals, I was once a liberal. Furthermore, I was once a liberal feminist. And like many liberals, I was once completely clueless (well, even more clueless than a liberal). My introduction to feminism came in the form of a call […]

Some Basic Propositions About Sex, Gender and Patriarchy – June 2014

Some Basic Propositions About Sex, Gender and Patriarchy – June 2014

Gender Hurts book review by Robert Jensen in Dissident Voice. Read full review here. “Within feminism there has been for decades an often divisive debate about transgenderism. With increasing mainstream news media and pop culture attention focused on the issue, understanding that feminist debate is more important than ever. Two new feminist books that analyze […]

Good Reads review of Gender Hurts – January 2014

Good Reads review of Gender Hurts – January 2014

Gender Hurts: A Feminist Analysis of the Politics of Transgenderism “It is only recently that transgenderism has been accepted as a disorder for which treatment is available. In the 1990s, a political movement of transgender activism coalesced to campaign for transgender rights. Considerable social, political and legal changes are occurring in response and there is […]

Book reviews – meat and pornography

Book reviews – meat and pornography

Carol J. Adams: The Sexual Politics of Meat. Oxford: Polity, 1990. 256pp. John Stoltenberg: Refusing to Be a Man. London: Fontana, 1990. 240pp.   The connection between these two books is that they are both saying something hugely unacceptable. Both books have received vicious reviews, especially from those ‘lefty’ alternative types that you might have expected to be sympathetic […]