Globalisation and the Male/Female Divide: An Overview

Who made Adam Smith’s dinner? Feminist critiques of the lnternational Political Economy Feminist economic theorists throw the basis of traditional economic thinking, the idea of rational economic man, into doubt. Traditional economics is based upon two main patriarchal assumptions. It is based upon the way in which men in western societies, and in their institutions […]
The Eroticism of (In)Equality

In this paper, presented at the ‘One is not born a woman’ conference, celebrating 50th anniversary of Simone de Beauvoir’s Second Sex organised by Fruaenmediaturm at Cologne, 22-24 October, 1999, Sheila Jeffreys argues that a massive obstacle to women’s equality lies in the way in which sex under male supremacy is constructed out of the […]
‘Lesbian Feminism’ – 28 November 2021

Sheila Jeffreys gave a talk – ‘Lesbian Feminism Now and Then’ – to the 1st Andalusian Congress of Abolitionist Women on 28 November 2021. ‘Lesbian Feminism Now and Then Seville Conference 28 November 2021 Hello Sisters, It is a delight to be able to speak with you today. I am going to talk about where […]
‘Loving to Survive’ by Dee Graham – a discussion with Laura Lecuona and Sheila Jeffreys

Sheila Jeffreys and Laura Lecuona discuss Dee Graham’s book, ‘Loving to Survive’, at WDI Radical Feminist Perspectives – 24 October 2021
‘Intercourse’ by Andrea Dworkin – Sheila Jeffreys and an Indian feminist discuss

Sheila Jeffreys and an Indian feminist discuss Andrea Dworkin’s book, ‘Intercourse’, at WDI Radical Feminist Perspectives – 4 October 2021
‘Unpacking queer politics’ – a discussion with Sheila Jeffreys and Marian Rutigliano

Sheila Jeffreys and Marian Rutigliano discuss Sheila’s book, ‘Unpacking Queer Politics’ at WDI Radical Feminist Perspectives – 29 August 2021.
‘Man’s Dominion’ – a discussion with Sheila Jeffreys and Jo Bart

‘Man’s Dominion’ by Sheila Jeffreys – a discussion with Sheila Jeffreys and Jo Bart at WDI Radical Feminist Perspectives in August 2021
Sheila Jeffreys on Kate Millet’s ‘Sexual Politics’

Sheila Jeffreys discusses Kate Millett’s book ‘Sexual Politics‘ and Batya Weinbaum talks about the work of Shulamith Firestone at WDI Radical Feminist Perspectives – 18 July 2021
‘Beauty and Misogyny’ – Sheila Jeffreys and Marian Rutigliano discuss

Watch Sheila Jeffreys and Marian Rutigliano discuss Sheila’s book ‘Beauty and Misogyny’ in the WDI Radical Feminist Perspectives series – 11 July 2021
The Need for Revolutionary Feminism by Sheila Jeffreys 1977

There is a need for revolutionary feminism for two very important reasons – one is the liberal takeover of the women’s liberation movement, and the other is the grave lack of theory in the movement. Paper presented at the 1977 national Women’s Liberation Movement Conference in London by Sheila Jeffreys and re-printed in the Socialist […]