The Insult of Transgenderism – WDI talk 12 February 2022

The Insult of Transgenderism Sheila Jeffreys WDI 12 February 2022 We need to move on to the next stage in our struggle against transgenderism, that is moving beyond confronting individual challenges such as men entering women’s spaces, sports and opportunities to opposing the idea and practice of transgenderism itself. I am going to talk today […]
Sheila Jeffreys on the book ‘Doublethink’ by Janice Raymond

Sheila Jeffreys discusses Janice Raymond’s new book ‘Doublethink’ at the WDI Feminist Question Time on 30 October 2021
Sheila Jeffreys on the translation of Gender Hurts into Spanish

Sheila Jeffreys gives a talk at the Spanish-language WDI webinar led by Laura Lecuona and Ananda Castano to mark the translation of her book, Gender Hurts, into Spanish. Watch here.
Sheila Jeffreys on the social construction of gender and sexuality

Sheila Jeffreys on the social construction of gender and sexuality at WDI Feminist Question Time on 27 March 2021. Watch here.
The politics of the toilet: A feminist response to the campaign to ‘degender’ a women’s space

“This article is a feminist response to the campaigning activism and queer and transgender theory which promotes the ‘degendering’ of public toilets. This campaign originates in the demands of men who transgender to access women’s toilets. Activists argue that sex segregation of toilets is the result of nineteenth century moralism and is a discriminatory practice. […]
The Politics of the Toilet: A feminist response to the ‘degendering’ of a women’s space

This article is a feminist response to the campaigning activism and queer and transgender theory which promotes the ‘degendering’ of public toilets. This campaign originates in the demands of men who transgender to access women’s toilets. Activists argue that sex segregation of toilets is the result of nineteenth century moralism and is a discriminatory practice. […]
The Transgendering of Children: Gender Eugenics

This article argues that the emerging practice of transgendering children should be seen as a form of gender eugenics which has similarities with the practice of sexual surgeries carried out as a result of eugenics ideas in the early twentieth century. In the earlier period those suffering severe poverty, homosexuals, criminals, people with mental health […]
They Know it When They See It: The UK Gender Recognition Act 2004.

This article is a critical feminist analysis of the UK Gender Recognition Act of 2004. This Act is radical in enabling transgenders to gain certificates recognising their new ‘acquired gender’ without undergoing hormonal or surgical treatment. The Act has considerable implications for marriage, for motherhood and fatherhood, for women who are the partners of men […]