‘Beauty and Misogyny’ – Sheila Jeffreys and Marian Rutigliano discuss

‘Beauty and Misogyny’ – Sheila Jeffreys and Marian Rutigliano discuss

Watch Sheila Jeffreys and Marian Rutigliano discuss Sheila’s book ‘Beauty and Misogyny’ in the WDI Radical Feminist Perspectives series – 11 July 2021

So, why do we pander to the beauty industry again? 17 August 2017

So, why do we pander to the beauty industry again? 17 August 2017

High Heels, Low Status As a feminist who argues that beauty practices are harmful to women’s equality, I have been accused of being a killjoy who spoils the fun women get from crippling shoes, depilation, revealing clothing, makeup, figure-hugging dresses and short skirts. But the wearing of high heels, for instance, is not just a harmless […]