‘Lesbian Feminism’ – 28 November 2021

Sheila Jeffreys gave a talk – ‘Lesbian Feminism Now and Then’ – to the 1st Andalusian Congress of Abolitionist Women on 28 November 2021. ‘Lesbian Feminism Now and Then Seville Conference 28 November 2021 Hello Sisters, It is a delight to be able to speak with you today. I am going to talk about where […]
‘Man’s Dominion’ – a discussion with Sheila Jeffreys and Jo Bart

‘Man’s Dominion’ by Sheila Jeffreys – a discussion with Sheila Jeffreys and Jo Bart at WDI Radical Feminist Perspectives in August 2021
Sheila Jeffreys on Kate Millet’s ‘Sexual Politics’

Sheila Jeffreys discusses Kate Millett’s book ‘Sexual Politics‘ and Batya Weinbaum talks about the work of Shulamith Firestone at WDI Radical Feminist Perspectives – 18 July 2021
Sheila Jeffreys and Linda Bellos discuss feminism and left/right politics

Watch Sheila Jeffreys and Linda Bellos discuss feminism and left v. right politics at WDI Feminist Question Time on 16 December 2020 here.
Radical feminist Sheila Jeffreys retires after 24 years at the University of Melbourne – May 2015

“Universities will never appoint someone like me again,” Sheila Jeffreys says. The radical lesbian feminist, one of only a handful still teaching in Australia, has begun packing up her office after 24 years at the University of Melbourne. During this time she has taught thousands of students about feminism, male power and the construction of […]
What is a Woman? The dispute between radical feminism and transgenderism – July 2014

Article by Michelle Goldberg in the New Yorker. Read full article here. “On May 24th, a few dozen people gathered in a conference room at the Central Library, a century-old Georgian Revival building in downtown Portland, Oregon, for an event called Radfems Respond. The conference had been convened by a group that wanted to defend […]
Where have all the radicals gone? When feminism gets moderate – April 2011

In a world where feminism as a whole is often touted as a bad word, radical feminism in particular is marginalized, not only by the mainstream media, but often within third-wave feminist discourse. Are we afraid to be ‘too’ radical at the risk of alienating the masses? Or is radical feminism simply misunderstood? This radio […]