FTM Transsexualism and Grief

In “Pornography and Grief” Andrea Dworkin writes very powerfully about the impact upon her of having to look at so much pornography in order to write about it. The horror of the pain, destruction, and just pure run of the mill hatred towards women inspired grief in her (Dworkin, Letters from a War Zone, 1988). […]
The Insult of Transgenderism – WDI talk 12 February 2022

The Insult of Transgenderism Sheila Jeffreys WDI 12 February 2022 We need to move on to the next stage in our struggle against transgenderism, that is moving beyond confronting individual challenges such as men entering women’s spaces, sports and opportunities to opposing the idea and practice of transgenderism itself. I am going to talk today […]
Sheila Jeffreys on the book ‘Doublethink’ by Janice Raymond

Sheila Jeffreys discusses Janice Raymond’s new book ‘Doublethink’ at the WDI Feminist Question Time on 30 October 2021
Sheila Jeffreys on the translation of Gender Hurts into Spanish

Sheila Jeffreys gives a talk at the Spanish-language WDI webinar led by Laura Lecuona and Ananda Castano to mark the translation of her book, Gender Hurts, into Spanish. Watch here.
The Bigger Picture – WDI talk 21 November 2020

Listen to Sheila Jeffreys’ talk from the WDI webinar 21 November 2020 on drag here.
AfterEllen review of ‘Trigger Warning’

‘Few women have influenced lesbian politics or feminist thought as much as Sheila Jeffreys. A pioneer the women’s liberation movement in the ‘70s and ‘80s, she’s a co-founder of Britain’s revolutionary feminist movement. By continuing to advocate radical feminist politics when they fell out of fashion in the ‘90s, Jeffreys helped pave the way for […]
The invention of gender dysphoria – November 2018

Watch Sheila Jeffrey’s talk on the invention of gender dysphoria at We Need to Talk, November 2018 here.
Enforcing Men’s Sexual Rights in International Human Rights Law – June 2018

Why International? Talk given at We Need to Talk, June 2018 “I am going to talk today about why it is important to think internationally when dealing with the threat posed by men’s crossdressing activism (commonly called the transgender rights movement) to women’s human rights. In the UK the feminist resistance has been growing exponentially […]
Sheila Jeffreys on neoliberalism, identity politics and the women’s lib movement – October 2016

“Feminism has suffered a significant loss in recent decades. The impact of “queer studies,” neoliberalism, and identity politics was substantial. Renowned radical feminist, Sheila Jeffreys, witnessed the move from “Women’s Studies” to “Gender Studies” in academia and saw feminist discourse and women’s culture built during the second wave eroded. Jeffreys joined the women’s movement in […]
Male privilege and women’s bathrooms – April 2016

“North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory (R) has become a whipping boy for the advocates of the latest round of the sexual revolution. The Human Rights Campaign has gathered a bunch of business owners to bully the governor in an attempt to get him to back down. “Your bigotry is bad for business,” is their mantra. […]