The Eroticism of (In)Equality
In this paper, presented at the ‘One is not born a woman’ conference, celebrating 50th anniversary of Simone de Beauvoir’s Second Sex organised by Fruaenmediaturm at Cologne, 22-24 October, 1999, Sheila Jeffreys argues that a massive obstacle to women’s equality lies in the way in which sex under male supremacy is constructed out of the […]
‘Man’s Dominion’ – a discussion with Sheila Jeffreys and Jo Bart
‘Man’s Dominion’ by Sheila Jeffreys – a discussion with Sheila Jeffreys and Jo Bart at WDI Radical Feminist Perspectives in August 2021
‘Beauty and Misogyny’ – Sheila Jeffreys and Marian Rutigliano discuss
Watch Sheila Jeffreys and Marian Rutigliano discuss Sheila’s book ‘Beauty and Misogyny’ in the WDI Radical Feminist Perspectives series – 11 July 2021
‘Body Art’ and Social Status: Cutting, Tattooing and Piercing from a Feminist Perspective
This article by Sheila Jeffreys, published in Feminism & Psychology vol. 10(4) 2000, analyses the developing industry of body modification, in which cutting, tattooing and piercing are carried out in studios for profit. It seeks to offer a feminist understanding of this industry which places it on a continuum of harmful cultural practices that include […]