Killer heels could lead to osteoarthritis in knees, warn scientists – January 2015

Article in the Daily Telegraph by Sarah Knapton quoting Sheila Jeffreys. Read full article here.
WORT interview with Thistle Pettersen – November 2014

Thistle Pettersen conducts a live interview with controversial feminist Sheila Jeffreys. Listen to the interview here.
Derrick Jensen interviews Sheila Jeffreys on Resistance Radio – 21 October 2014

“Sheila Jeffreys is the author of ten books on the history and politics of sexuality. She has been actively involved in feminist and lesbian feminist politics, particularly around the issue of sexual violence, since 1973. Today we will be talking about queer theory.” Listen to the full interview here.
Feminist gay activist pushing to keep bathrooms gender segregated – September 2014

Mixed-gender bathrooms pose a risk of harassment for women. “A prominent lesbian feminist activist is pushing to keep bathrooms segregated by gender on grounds that might sound familiar to conservatives: Mixed-gender restrooms would put women at risk of harassment and assault. Sheila Jeffreys, an author and teacher who is “actively involved in feminist and lesbian feminist […]
Woman’s Hour podcast – August 2014

Sheila Jeffreys talks to Woman’s Hour about her book, Gender Hurts. Listen to the radio interview here.
What is a Woman? The dispute between radical feminism and transgenderism – July 2014

Article by Michelle Goldberg in the New Yorker. Read full article here. “On May 24th, a few dozen people gathered in a conference room at the Central Library, a century-old Georgian Revival building in downtown Portland, Oregon, for an event called Radfems Respond. The conference had been convened by a group that wanted to defend […]
Thinking Outside the Gender Box – June 2014

Gender Hurts book review by Christine Benvenuto – read full review here. “Sheila Jeffreys, a professor of feminist politics at the University of Melbourne, offers an interesting and thought-provoking analysis of transgender issues in a new book, Gender Hurts (Routledge, 2014). Depending upon your point of view, her ideas may offend or may enter the […]
Gender Hurts Book Review and a Call to Action – June 2014

Guest blog post by Genderheretic on Gender Identity Watch. Read full blog here. “Like many radicals, I was once a liberal. Furthermore, I was once a liberal feminist. And like many liberals, I was once completely clueless (well, even more clueless than a liberal). My introduction to feminism came in the form of a call […]
Some Basic Propositions About Sex, Gender and Patriarchy – June 2014

Gender Hurts book review by Robert Jensen in Dissident Voice. Read full review here. “Within feminism there has been for decades an often divisive debate about transgenderism. With increasing mainstream news media and pop culture attention focused on the issue, understanding that feminist debate is more important than ever. Two new feminist books that analyze […]
Gender Theorist Questions Transgender “Phenomenon” – April 2014

“A respected feminist theorist is calling for a radical rethink of society’s acceptance of transgenderism. In research presented in the new book Gender Hurts, University of Melbourne sexual politics lecturer Professor Sheila Jeffreys described transgenderism as a “hugely harmful phenomenon”. Transgenderism—when an individual identifies with a gender other than their biological one—has been a widely […]