Sheila Jeffreys on Kate Millet’s ‘Sexual Politics’

Sheila Jeffreys on Kate Millet’s ‘Sexual Politics’

Sheila Jeffreys discusses Kate Millett’s book ‘Sexual Politics‘ and Batya Weinbaum talks about the work of Shulamith Firestone at WDI Radical Feminist Perspectives – 18 July 2021

‘Beauty and Misogyny’ – Sheila Jeffreys and Marian Rutigliano discuss

‘Beauty and Misogyny’ – Sheila Jeffreys and Marian Rutigliano discuss

Watch Sheila Jeffreys and Marian Rutigliano discuss Sheila’s book ‘Beauty and Misogyny’ in the WDI Radical Feminist Perspectives series – 11 July 2021

Sheila Jeffreys on the book ‘Doublethink’ by Janice Raymond

Sheila Jeffreys on the book ‘Doublethink’ by Janice Raymond

Sheila Jeffreys discusses Janice Raymond’s new book ‘Doublethink’ at the WDI Feminist Question Time on 30 October 2021

Men’s Sexual Rights vs Women’s Sex-Based Rights – 15 May 2021

Men’s Sexual Rights vs Women’s Sex-Based Rights – 15 May 2021

Download a full transcript of Sheila Jeffreys’ talk given at the WDI Spanish language webinar on 15 May 2021 here. Mens’ sexual rights vs women’s sex-based rights

‘Body Art’ and Social Status: Cutting, Tattooing and Piercing from a Feminist Perspective

‘Body Art’ and Social Status: Cutting, Tattooing and Piercing from a Feminist Perspective

This article by Sheila Jeffreys, published in Feminism & Psychology vol. 10(4) 2000, analyses the developing industry of body modification, in which cutting, tattooing and piercing are carried out in studios for profit. It seeks to offer a feminist understanding of this industry which places it on a continuum of harmful cultural practices that include […]

Sheila Jeffreys on the translation of Gender Hurts into Spanish

Sheila Jeffreys on the translation of Gender Hurts into Spanish

Sheila Jeffreys gives a talk at the Spanish-language WDI webinar led by Laura Lecuona and Ananda Castano to mark the translation of her book, Gender Hurts, into Spanish. Watch here.

Sheila Jeffreys on the social construction of gender and sexuality

Sheila Jeffreys on the social construction of gender and sexuality

Sheila Jeffreys on the social construction of gender and sexuality at WDI Feminist Question Time on 27 March 2021. Watch here.

Overview of the Declaration on Women’s sex-based rights

Overview of the Declaration on Women’s sex-based rights

Watch Sheila Jeffreys, co-founder of Women’s Declaration International, give an overview of the Declaration on Women’s Sex-Based Rights at the WDI CSW65 event on 20 March 2021 here.

Sheila Jeffreys and Linda Bellos discuss feminism and left/right politics

Sheila Jeffreys and Linda Bellos discuss feminism and left/right politics

Watch Sheila Jeffreys and Linda Bellos discuss feminism and left v. right politics at WDI Feminist Question Time on 16 December 2020 here.

The Bigger Picture – WDI talk 21 November 2020

The Bigger Picture – WDI talk 21 November 2020

Listen to Sheila Jeffreys’ talk from the WDI webinar 21 November 2020 on drag here.