The Lesbian Revolution – October 2018

The Lesbian Revolution: lesbian feminism in the UK 1970-1990 Sheila Jeffreys FiLiA Salford, Greater Manchester October 2018 I am going to talk today about my new book The Lesbian Revolution: lesbian feminism in the UK 1970-1990. The book is a history of lesbian feminism, and I wrote it with two purposes. One was simply […]
So, why do we pander to the beauty industry again? 17 August 2017

High Heels, Low Status As a feminist who argues that beauty practices are harmful to women’s equality, I have been accused of being a killjoy who spoils the fun women get from crippling shoes, depilation, revealing clothing, makeup, figure-hugging dresses and short skirts. But the wearing of high heels, for instance, is not just a harmless […]
Sheila Jeffreys on neoliberalism, identity politics and the women’s lib movement – October 2016

“Feminism has suffered a significant loss in recent decades. The impact of “queer studies,” neoliberalism, and identity politics was substantial. Renowned radical feminist, Sheila Jeffreys, witnessed the move from “Women’s Studies” to “Gender Studies” in academia and saw feminist discourse and women’s culture built during the second wave eroded. Jeffreys joined the women’s movement in […]
Male privilege and women’s bathrooms – April 2016

“North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory (R) has become a whipping boy for the advocates of the latest round of the sexual revolution. The Human Rights Campaign has gathered a bunch of business owners to bully the governor in an attempt to get him to back down. “Your bigotry is bad for business,” is their mantra. […]
Should male feminists just shut the hell up? June 2015

In a recent episode of the toe-curlingly awkward United States show , Doug and some buddies are drinking beers and slapping themselves on the back after forming a feminism group. “I just wish there was a way that we could be, like, validated for being such great feminists,” one guy says. “We’re pretty powerful dudes,” says […]
Radical feminist Sheila Jeffreys retires after 24 years at the University of Melbourne – May 2015

“Universities will never appoint someone like me again,” Sheila Jeffreys says. The radical lesbian feminist, one of only a handful still teaching in Australia, has begun packing up her office after 24 years at the University of Melbourne. During this time she has taught thousands of students about feminism, male power and the construction of […]
WORT interview with Thistle Pettersen – November 2014

Thistle Pettersen conducts a live interview with controversial feminist Sheila Jeffreys. Listen to the interview here.
Derrick Jensen interviews Sheila Jeffreys on Resistance Radio – 21 October 2014

“Sheila Jeffreys is the author of ten books on the history and politics of sexuality. She has been actively involved in feminist and lesbian feminist politics, particularly around the issue of sexual violence, since 1973. Today we will be talking about queer theory.” Listen to the full interview here.
Feminist gay activist pushing to keep bathrooms gender segregated – September 2014

Mixed-gender bathrooms pose a risk of harassment for women. “A prominent lesbian feminist activist is pushing to keep bathrooms segregated by gender on grounds that might sound familiar to conservatives: Mixed-gender restrooms would put women at risk of harassment and assault. Sheila Jeffreys, an author and teacher who is “actively involved in feminist and lesbian feminist […]
What is a Woman? The dispute between radical feminism and transgenderism – July 2014

Article by Michelle Goldberg in the New Yorker. Read full article here. “On May 24th, a few dozen people gathered in a conference room at the Central Library, a century-old Georgian Revival building in downtown Portland, Oregon, for an event called Radfems Respond. The conference had been convened by a group that wanted to defend […]