Thinking Outside the Gender Box – June 2014

Gender Hurts book review by Christine Benvenuto – read full review here. “Sheila Jeffreys, a professor of feminist politics at the University of Melbourne, offers an interesting and thought-provoking analysis of transgender issues in a new book, Gender Hurts (Routledge, 2014). Depending upon your point of view, her ideas may offend or may enter the […]
Gender Hurts Book Review and a Call to Action – June 2014

Guest blog post by Genderheretic on Gender Identity Watch. Read full blog here. “Like many radicals, I was once a liberal. Furthermore, I was once a liberal feminist. And like many liberals, I was once completely clueless (well, even more clueless than a liberal). My introduction to feminism came in the form of a call […]
The Politics of the Toilet: A feminist response to the ‘degendering’ of a women’s space

This article is a feminist response to the campaigning activism and queer and transgender theory which promotes the ‘degendering’ of public toilets. This campaign originates in the demands of men who transgender to access women’s toilets. Activists argue that sex segregation of toilets is the result of nineteenth century moralism and is a discriminatory practice. […]
Some Basic Propositions About Sex, Gender and Patriarchy – June 2014

Gender Hurts book review by Robert Jensen in Dissident Voice. Read full review here. “Within feminism there has been for decades an often divisive debate about transgenderism. With increasing mainstream news media and pop culture attention focused on the issue, understanding that feminist debate is more important than ever. Two new feminist books that analyze […]
Academic Calls For End To Ritualised Humiliation – April 2013

Originally published in The Australian by Rachel Baxendale, April 26th 2013. The University of Melbourne has declined to condemn gender segregation at public events held by Islamic organisations at its Parkville campus, despite its leading gender-politics academic describing the practice as “sexual apartheid” and a form of “ritualised humiliation”. On April 13, a lecture entitled “Islamic rulings […]
Insult, Offence and the Draft Human Rights and Anti-discrimination Bill – January 2013

“His workmates nicknamed him “Romeo”, in the true Australian larrikin tradition. But “Romeo” took offence to their ribbing. He lodged a discrimination claim on the grounds of “lawful sexual activity”. His employer, a small auto-electrician company in rural Victoria, chose to pay thousands of dollars in compensation in a confidential settlement, to avoid the costs […]
Expert Adds To Sex Debate – June 2012

Originally published in The Mercury by Jennifer Crawley, June 3rd 2012. Controversial anti-prostitution campaigner Professor Sheila Jeffreys has visited Hobart as State Parliament gets ready to debate legalisation of the sex industry. Prof Jeffreys spoke at the University of Tasmania law school and a public forum in Hobart yesterday as the Justice Department prepares to give its […]
Let us be free to debate transgenderism without being accused of ‘hate speech’ – May 2012

Researchers and theorists who question the practice of transgenderism are subjected to campaigns of intimidation Criticism of the practice of transgenderism is being censored as a result of a campaign of vilification by transgender activists of anyone who does not accept the new orthodoxy on this issue. A recent Comment is free piece by the transgender activist […]
Kate Millett’s ‘Sexual Politics’: 40 years on

Kate Millett’s book Sexual Politics was pivotal for the developing second wave feminist movement. It was regarded as very important both by feminists at the time and by the media. Time magazine labelled Millett as the Mao Tse-Tung of women’s liberation, but the book is not as well known today as might be expected for […]
The Sex Industry and Business Practice: An obstacle to women’s equality.

This article looks at the increasing links between the sex industry and business in the form of executives and companies using strip clubs and brothels to network and broker deals, using prostituted women as bribes, or offering visits to brothels as Christmas bonuses. This problem is only just beginning to be recognized by feminist researchers […]